I would be happy to work with you if you would like support and helpful challenge in one or several of the following areas:
raising awareness of who you are and what you want out of life;
discovering what kind of relationships you have with yourself and others;
exploring your behavioural patterns in order to meet your personal and professional goals;
developing attitudes and skills that are necessary for establishing and sustaining relationships;
exploring your response to uncertainty and utilising your potential for change;
developing the confidence to realise your personal and professional goals;
addressing identity issues in different cultural environments;
looking at your coaching practice with a fresh pair of eyes.
Please book a free virtual chemistry call here
During our chemistry call we will decide whether we are a good fit for each other.
Based on my long experience, as a general principle you need to be willing to commit to having a minimum of 6 coaching sessions in order to make progress.
We will work together either face to face or virtually. I bring my quality of presence, coaching skills and experience; you bring your motivation and commitment. Our results will be amazing!